Flexible Planning. In search for innovative planning instruments

Flexible Planning. In search for innovative planning instruments
Więcej artykułów poświęconych Gdańskowi znajdziesz na stronie głównej gdansk.pl
The conference was held on December 1-2, 2022. Below we publish links to video recordings of selected speeches.


More about the conference below:
Flexible Planning - banner EN

ISOCARP Regional Event




Conference Outline

Nowadays urban development processes get much more diversified than in even recent past. At the same time, contemporary planning discourse mainly focuses on goals and principles of sustainable transformation and not so much on implementation instruments. This relates to both the mode of discussing possible planning and development solutions and to the implementation models and mechanisms. And even if some issues are debated and tested in different contexts, like spurring participation and involvement of all stakeholders in the planning and development processes, these are not a part of the formal processes and procedures. This comes – among others – from the fact that we are still in search of the best possible, innovative, and responding to the current needs, planning instruments, which are not codified and have not become part of the planning system yet.

The main purpose of organizing the conference on „Flexible Planning” is to present and discuss currently debated and practiced planning instruments that go beyond formalized procedures. The intention is to invite practitioners (planners and urban designers), municipal leaders (mayors, city architects, and planners), academicians, and other professionals dealing with shaping innovative instruments that can deal with specific problems and issues in urban development.

The conference program will include several sessions, including:

  • Keynote presentations – dealing with both contemporary principles of urban development and practices associated with planning and development processes
  • Analyses of lessons learned from various informal planning undertakings – workshops, seminars, discussions, etc.
  • Discussions on key issues for contemporary planning practice – including participation and co-creation processes
  • Reflections on interrelations between design and planning principles, planning methods, and implementation practices. 

The intention is to make this conference a venue for exchanging good practices and reassuring the key stakeholders in efforts associated with refining the local planning practices. At the same time, this will serve as a launch event for the new planning agenda for the City of Gdańsk




Conference Programme






Speakers' biographies






Conference venue

Gdańsk University of Technology, Auditorium on the 3rd floor in the Main Building
(No. 1 on the campus map: https://campus.pg.edu.pl/)





The event is hosted jointly by the City of Gdansk, Gdańsk University of Technology, and the Society of Polish Town Planners.Organizatorzy900PG ENAt the same time, this will become an ISOCARP (International Society of City and Regional Planners) Regional Event. Among others, the members of the Global Planners Network as well as of the European Council of Town Planners (ECTP) will be participating in it.

The conference will be in-person only, with no live streaming. Although, the entire event will be recorded and in subsequent weeks these recordings will be made available for everyone interested on the website of the Office of the Gdansk City Architect:




Registration and contact

Participation in the conference is free of charge, although registration will be required.
Note: registration ends on Monday 28/11/2022.
Everyone interested in participating in the event is kindly asked to send a short e-mail to the conference secretariat:






International Society of City and Regional Planners
The Architecture and Urban Planning Committee
of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Committee for Spatial Economy and Regional Planning
Polish Academy of Sciences
Komitet Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Kraju300
The Revitalization Forum Association
Stowarzyszenie Forum Rewitalizacj300i
European Council of Spatial Planners