Sustainable Transformation for Resilient Coastal City

Sustainable Transformation for Resilient Coastal City

September 9-12, 2024 | Gdańsk, Poland
UBC Joint Planning & Sustainable Cities Commissions Seminar

Więcej artykułów poświęconych Gdańskowi znajdziesz na stronie głównej gdansk.pl
UBC gdańsk razem3

Invitation to Gdańsk

Dear UBC Colleagues,

I would like to invite you to the UBC Joint Planning and Sustainable Cities Commissions Seminar titled “Sustainable Transformation for a Resilient Coastal City”, which will take place on September 9-12, 2024, in Gdańsk, Poland.

Gdańsk, with its rich maritime heritage and a population of nearly half a million, serves as a major centre for activity, science, culture, and tourism. Following the compact city concept, Gdańsk is dedicated to enhancing its urban spaces close to the city centre. The city's development strategy focuses on creating greener, more inclusive, and accessible public areas through innovative and adaptive approaches.
Over four days, we will enjoy lectures, engaging study visits, and intensive workshop, all aimed at discussing the revitalisation of case port and industrial areas from multiple perspectives. Your presence will enrich our conversations and contribute to developing sustainable and innovative solutions for urban renewal in Gdańsk.
I look forward to meeting you and hope you will enjoy this upcoming event.


Zdjęcie zastępcy Prezydenta ds. zrównoważonego rozwoju Piotra Grzelaka

Piotr Grzelak

Deputy Mayor for Sustainable Development
and Investment, City of Gdansk,
Vice-President of the UBC



Seminar programme








Places will be limited so please, register your participation in the seminar now.








About the Seminar

Following the success of the UBC Planning and Sustainable Cities Commission meeting in Turku, we are pleased to announce that the next joint Commissions meeting will be organized on 9-12 September 2024 in Gdansk, Poland.

According to the concept of a compact city, developing cities are looking for opportunities to fill in urban structures as close as possible to their centres. Gdańsk development strategy encourages seeking new solutions and implementing adaptive measures to make public spaces more green, inclusive and accessible.
At the meeting, we will look for opportunities to revitalize urban structure by finding the best ideas for sustainable and smart transformation of port and industrial areas. 

The workshop areas

Workshop areas







Practical information

How  to get here? Where to stay?



More information

Paulina Szewczyk
Chairperson of the Planning Cities Commission
e-mail: p.szewczyk@bpp.gdynia.pl

Agnieszka Ilola
Head of Secretariat Sustainable Cities Commission
e-mail: agnieszka.ilola@turku.fi

Paulina Bone
Office of the City Architect
e-mail: paulina.bone@gdansk.gda.pl

Danuta Giorewa-Brach 
e-mail: danuta.giorewa-brach@gdansk.gda.pl


UBC Commissions:
Planning Cities Commission, Sustainable Cities Commission




About the city

Gdańsk is the Polish maritime capital with the population reaching half a million. It is a large center of economic life, science, culture and a popular tourist destination.
Get to know better...





About  UBC


Union of the Baltic Cities (UBC) is the leading network of cities in the Baltic Sea Region with Member Cities from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, and Sweden. Founded in 1991 in Gdańsk, UBC is a voluntary, proactive network mobilizing the shared potential of its member cities.
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