Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts

Solidarity of Arts 2012. Przestrzeń Wolności: Widowisko Jazzowe Stańko+. Gdańsk, Wyspa Ołowianka. Scena Plenerowa Filharmonii Bałtyckiej. Nz. R.U.T.A. Beat & Power of the Horns Brass Ensemble

fot. Jerzy Pinkas / www.gdansk.pl - 2012-08-11 22:05:57
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts
Stańko+. Solidarity of Arts