NIGHT of the JUMPs

23 marca na ERGO ARENIE zmierzyli się najlepsi zawodnicy Freestyle Motocrossu w walce o punkty polskiego grand prix. Na liście startowej znalazły się największe gwiazdy tej dyscypliny z 3 kontynentów. Poza konkursem Freestyle rozstrzygnięto konkurs Race&Style oraz skoków wzwyż.

fot. Andrzej Wieczorek / www.gdansk.pl - 2013-03-23 21:06:40
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs
NIGHT of the JUMPs